Recently my husband, myself and our middle daughter went back up to a region known as Apple Hill, part of Placerville ,Ca. and Camino Ca. We spent the day wine tasting, getting more of the wonderful hot apple cider doughnuts from Rainbow Farms , and then headed back into Placerville for coffee and to explore a mine /cave there that I have been wanting to get into. However, we had just had a very bad storm here in Northern California and it had made the mine/cave dangerous to go into, so they had shut the doors till things dried up. Disappointed but not discouraged, we said we would be back at some point and decided to stroll with our coffees up and down the streets and poke in some of the shops. We happened upon an Antique shop that I had seen before when last we were in Placerville. It is a very unusual antique shop. It is filled to the brim with the macabre.
Everything creepy dealing with the dark side is crammed into this small shop. Old medical supplies, books on witchcraft, devil worship and all things that go bump in the night. There is creepy old photos and dolls,witchcraft supplies, costumes, art work, collectibles and costumes. This place fascinated and creeped me out all at the same time. I have a bit of a dark side, you may have noticed . And if I could I would decorate in a European Goth style. complete with Gargoyles outside ( they are not evil you know, but rather protectors) . I am fascinated with ghosts, and the great beyond. I am a Christian, believe in God, but with all my experiences in my life, just know there is much more to the world and what is around us than what we can see or feel. So of course we headed in.
My camera had been taking perfect photos all day and I had it on the proper settings for interior shots, but as you will see many turned out blurred, and often distorted.I truly wish they had turned out much better, but as it is Halloween...perhaps these fun house type shots fit the bill...seeing as the haunted Inn I took shots of and the local Cemetery look so peaceful and not at all spooky ....what do you think??? Is there just a little something off besides the merchandise in this store ??

Come on in...nothing will bite or jump out at you....or at least that is the hope and prayer......

In need of some specialty ingredients or perhaps some reading material for that rainy day .......Is it me or Does Vincent seem to follow you with his eyes? And are those horns emerging from his head?

Maybe you need a few supplies for your First Aide box? This would be the place to buy them for sure!

Or a few tools of the trade....

Step into the dressing room and get a little spruced up for that special event.....

Perhaps I should have been sitting down, things feel a bit out of balance.....

Do not let the bad dental work frighten you, he really is just harmless and wants to be your least that is the impression I was given....

Hold on tight, things begin to really spin here, now remember I was standing still and holding the camera steady and on the correct settings when all the photos were being taken!! There was no candles lit. There was light bulbs, but they were often covered by shades...This book case was NOT falling over!
It would seem something or someone did not want photos taken! These were taken closest to the woman who was running the shop , and well she did remind me of someone that could influence such things given the mind to do so....but that could just be my imagination working over time!
So I ask you, what is your explanation so such photos ..or is there simply not one? At least not one that you are willing to accept.....
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!!
ReplyDeleteLove the spooky effect of the photos!!!
:D Lynda
ReplyDeleteNo question something was preventing those photos from being shared... yup, a real ghost was touching your hands while you were taking photos... heh heh heh... (back to stirring cauldron)