I am so thankful for all the wonderful new friendships I have made this year. For new friends and friends I have had coming to myself and my husbands support, through prayer, kind words and some even with financial aide.You have all touched my heart and soul and are really aiding in the renewal of my faith at this time. You are all truly blessings in my life.
I won't lie. Things have gotten worse. There is not the money we need to be coming in even for the most basic of needs. We are looking to just scrape by with help from my family and even 40.00 that we found on the ground the other day ( Gods Money??) We contemplate needing to move in with our daughter. Not an easy pill to swallow, to go from owning your home to moving into a bedroom of your daughters house. We have contacted a local church to interview for aide. We are leaving no stone unturned. My husband is working 6 days a week and 12-14 hours or more a day, trying so hard to just keep the lights on and the rent paid and feeling the pressure of not being able to do so. It hurts me to see him feel a failure. I too feel as if I am one as I can not work due to the physical pain. Often raising a fork to my mouth is difficult ...how can I call an employer when those days happen. Even typing this is causing physical pain. But as my only connection to you my friends I am pushing through.
Yet, even with being so fearful, so stressed and in so much pain, I am truly grateful and feel blessed. As one of my daughters put it, "At least you have a roof over your head". I know that there is people who are going hungry and are in the cold and do not have friends and family, or who are very sick and in far more pain than myself...compared to these poor souls I am truly rich and I am thankful for that. Tomorrow our daughter Rebecca will put on a nice mini feast in her new home and we will share laughter and break bread together. Though there will be empty chairs that should be filled by my folks and our oldest daughter, they will be there in spirit and us with them. How can one not be full of thanks and feel blessed at such an occasion?
So as we go into tomorrow, Thanksgiving, I shall be saying a prayer for all those that I know, all those that I do not, and for all those that I know will come into my life in the future. I shall give thanks for the blessing of family, the food in front of us and for the God in the heavens that despite my wavering and my fear , my doubt is throwing me life lines in the form of "Angels on Earth" .
I know I have readers from all over the world, and for those of you who do not celebrate a Thanksgiving or a day like it , I still encourage you to say thanks each day, be grateful for what you have and count those blessings and hold them close. Lean on them in tough times and share them in the good times. Continue to build your faith or renew it, who or whatever you believe in and pay it all forward to the next person you come in contact with.
Below is a Thanksgiving Poem by Lucy Maud Montgomery. You may know her as the Author from the 1800's that wrote the Anne of Green Gables series.....she is my all time favorite author. So when I found this I had to share.
A Thanksgiving
Father, I thank Thee that I saw tonight
The moonrise on the sea;
I thank Thee for the blossoms frosty-white
Outflowering on the lea;
I thank Thee for the silence consecrate
In vast cathedral woods;
I thank Thee for the winds that soon and late
Pipe in far solitudes.
I thank Thee for a word that came to me
A friend’s heart to express;
I thank Thee for an old grief grown to be
A thing of helpfulness;
I thank Thee for the task that I must do
Lacking in lavish ease,
For a dear hope, for an ideal true –
Father, all thanks for these!
Source: The Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Father, I thank Thee that I saw tonight
The moonrise on the sea;
I thank Thee for the blossoms frosty-white
Outflowering on the lea;
I thank Thee for the silence consecrate
In vast cathedral woods;
I thank Thee for the winds that soon and late
Pipe in far solitudes.
I thank Thee for a word that came to me
A friend’s heart to express;
I thank Thee for an old grief grown to be
A thing of helpfulness;
I thank Thee for the task that I must do
Lacking in lavish ease,
For a dear hope, for an ideal true –
Father, all thanks for these!
Source: The Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Nice Ruby - Just try and do the gratitude without the but's maybe? Law of attraction and all that. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this lovely poem... Enjoy the family you will share on Thanksgiving Day and know that others care and wish you the best for the coming holiday season... Come visit when you can and check out my other blog...