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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Words Have Power!

Have you ever considered how much power words, spoken or written have on your life? I think more and more I realize they have a considerable amount of power. They can influence, hurt, even destroy. Words can also empower, enlighten, cheer one up and make one see the world and themselves in a different, more positive light. 

Last year I read a blog that challenged the reader to pick a word to identify, guide and shape their year ahead. If you have been following along, you know I actually did a series of word posts last January, but I also picked a word for myself to label my year....BELIEVE. I even got a tattoo on my wrist. It truly did make a huge difference to have this word to guide me in how I lived the last year. I surrounded myself with it and it seemed to pop up again and again...even when I was not looking for it. 

This year I actually had won a month's membership on a fan page/discussion group that had Goddess readings. I signed up to receive my reading for a word for the year, even though I had decided already on my word, I was very interested to see what would come up. 

"The goddess that came forward as your guide through 2012 was... Huchi Fuchi!! This Japanese goddess is inviting you into the warmth of home - something which, I know, is very dear to your heart. Huchi Fuchi is connected to the hearth in the center of the home which provides heat and comfort - it's the life that exists withing the home.

She's very much connected to the creation of a nurturing, safe space - a place which you can retreat to, and which can give you the stability you need to venture forth into the world. She's also connected to family - if you think about the hearth as being a gathering place for those you love most in the world.

The way I see Huchi Fuchi coming through for you in 2012 is through helping you to create this space. I know how important your home is to you, but what I think Huchi Fuchi wants you to engage with is the concept of home which exists at a deeper level than your external surroundings.  I see the next year as an opportunity for you to cultivate a sense of belonging which cannot ever be taken away from you.

Words you might want to choose for 2012: HOME, HEARTH, HEART, BELONGING, NURTURE, NOURISH, FAMILY "

I found this very enlightening. In 2012, we have at least one, perhaps two daughters getting married. Our oldest is moving back for a short time to California, we have friends and family traveling in for visits and special occasions and the wedding. We even have plans to hopefully get a home of our own again. Everything is tied to the words above for the upcoming word. I also liked the idea of having the feeling of belonging no matter where we are, or where we land and having it be so ingrained that I never loose that feeling...I have felt lost and like I don't belong for years now, so it was so surprising that it popped up as needing to be something I worked on in 2012. I had been trying to regain happiness, and I think if you feel as if you do not belong then it will greatly effect your happiness! 

I still plan to use and remember and be guided by the word that I picked for myself, which is FAITH. Of course BELIEVE will continue on as a big part of how I live my life now, but I think it is very intertwined with FAITH. I am not necessarily speaking of spiritual faith, but simply faith in general that everything is the way that it is suppose to be, even if I am not always understanding or liking the process and journey. I wish to have faith that everything will work out as it was meant to be, that we lived through what we have for a reason. Faith that we will understand and embrace that reason and therefore accept and release all that has happened to make what will all worth it. With the other words that I received from the reading, this could prove to be a most amazing and powerful life changing year...simply by remembering these words it will give power to everything I is up to me of course to keep it on a positive note...because believe it or not even the word FAITH could work quite opposite from what one might think. So as 2012 begins, I hope you will join me on my 

Do you have a word for the year? Would love to hear about it and why.
**remember for fun vintage photos, videos, and links, as well as uplifting posts and links join the Face Book fan Page or follow me on Twitter as the FB posts will connect there too. I post to both places daily and often. 

1 comment:

  1. I think my word will be focused. A lot will be happening and there will be little time left for mental side trips. I like the idea of a word for the year. And Faith is a good one for you. Come visit when you can.


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