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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Award with a Different Spin

I am not entirely sure if I am flattered or not with this one. Let me re-word that. I am always flattered to be thought of and given an award, but to have to lie ( you will see below what I am speaking of) oh now that is just not right LOL !! But I shall play. It is not what I had planned today, I was going to write about Oprah's latest magazine issue . Guess ya'all will have to just be patient. So here it is....
Here are the rules....

Display graphic. Phew....that was the easy part!

2. List 5 things about yourself, 4 have to be out and out lies. Seriously? Um not very good at that part.

3. Pass Meme on to 5 others. I'll infect other bloggers with this meme, but they will not like it LOL

4.  Rules have to be followed or you get blocked on twitter and other bad things Oh that would be death! LOL Wait who would block me???
5. Link up at Yeah. Good Times. 

Ok here we go...five things about me. Not too fun as you my dear readers already know I am going to lie, and I am lousy at will just be blatant...can you pick out the truth? 

1. I can hardly wait to be a toothless , balding old woman ! 
2. Gotta have a glass of hooch each night or it just is not a perfect evening!
3. I adore practical jokes, I think they are the best ever!
4. I have a mouth like a truck driver and know how to use my words with skill!
5. I can hardly wait to get my next tattoo!   

Five pressure people , seriously...but click their blog and tell them how you found them...just in case I do not get to it today.

1. Destination Unknown
2. From Chaos Comes Happiness 
3. Stories From The Shoebox  
4. The Frump Factor 
5. Thing's I Can't Say  

WHEEEEEEW glad that is over...thanks my dear friend  over at A Beautiful Mess who tagged me ...and I used some of her comments and added to them after the rules hehehehehehe...thanks again my friend *SMOOCH*

Oh well at least I can laugh about it , needed a good giggle .......


  1. Oh Lord.. LOL Thank you for the award.. I think. ;-)

    PS - the truth is the tattoo??

  2. Oh geez...I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't say ANY of those are true! LOL!! Maybe...1. I don't think you want to be toothless. Right? Gah. I don't know!

  3. I'm going with a glass of hooch...or is that just me?

    I'm horrible at doing these things!


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