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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oprah inspires once again

I was at a lack of inspiration as to what to do today. I could not think of a blog post. My fibro had acted up last night and I did not sleep so brain and motivation, even after coffee was just not present. So of course I hopped onto the good old best friend aka as my lap top and started reading my tweets and responding. Then when that slowed down it was Facebook time. Finally here to blogger where I saw that two of my fellow bloggers Destination Unknown and From Chaos Comes Happiness had been to and had created a dream board there. WALA!! Off I went to get inspired once again by Oprah.

I already have my own journal of dreams ( more compact than a vision/dream/manifesting board ). My journal is now filled with every aspect of life and what I really want it to be. Here is the ones that shared with y'all, my smile board and fashion boards, also the smile page in my actual is the one I shared with Ellen. I have one for Oprah too...hey have to cover your bases!!

I find it very relaxing to sit with magazines and catalogs snipping away, taping the images onto the pages creating my dreams of what I want life to be like and include. I have been doing this for years. I did several when we lived in Texas, many of the dreams came true! So I am a big believer in keeping up the practice. It truly does help to visualize what you want and gives me the drive to continue to work towards making it happen.

"Keep the vision strong and keep moving towards your dream." Gail Lynne Goodwin

I had a great deal of fun making the dream board on the Oprah site, taking from images they provide as well as images from Ruby's Musings, and my own personal pics and ones that I gathered off of Google. Thought I might share with you the one I put of many I am thinking ( eventually) as the site lets you create more than one. It covers all the bases, but I think it would be fun to create ones that are theme based, such as health, beauty, travel, home, and family. What do you think???

I really do encourage you to click the link at top, explore my friends blogs and their boards as well as create your own!! Visualize your dreams!!!

Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine
Every time you state what you want or believe, you're the first to hear it. It's a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don't put a ceiling on yourself.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine, December 2003
I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine


  1. LOVE your dream boards, Ruby!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! (Aren't they fun?) I hope ALL your dreams come true, my friend!

  2. LOVE IT!! I know that your dreams WILL come true one day! Surely they will!

  3. Ok, since your dream board is the third one I've seen today (after Leanne's and Nicole's), I gotta do one now!

  4. Your dream board is WONDERFUL!!! I didn't know you could do totally fun!! I want to do one, too:)

    My daughter and I have done these on our sleep-overs. A few years ago I did one with Oprah on it. She inspires me so!

    Well, I went to the store to buy that issue of O and it was GONE:( I will have to buy on-line!!

    Love to you today Ruby!!!!



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