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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Happiness Project Continues

If you have been a follower for a while you know that I am re-reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I read it once a month as it is laid out with that purpose in mind. It has assignments that the author has given herself, and her experiences that month. Not everything she puts on her "Happiness Task List" is going to apply to my life, learned that the first go round, but it certainly can inspire, give a jumping off point and well often that is all that is needed. 

Aprils tasks to accomplish were hit and miss with me, but I did indeed at least try each and every one of them in one way or another. The Chapter was titled " Lighten Up" . It was about parenthood...all my kids are out and about living their own young adult lives, but you never stop being a parent. I am very lucky to have a good relationship, even a close one with my three daughters. So I certainly could try to apply this chapter. 

The tasks were * Sing in the morning....yeah I do not sing, not even in the shower. *Acknowledge the reality of peoples feelings....been a hell of a month for that one with all the family drama that was going on, so yeah, could not help but acknowledge! * Be a treasure house of happy memories...that was a mixed bag as well, but did pull up all the family photos and start going through them and many were happy memories indeed. * Take time for projects....well again, that kind of fits into the previous task this past month. Still working on it, it is a lot of work! 

So now we are onto May, tomorrow as a matter of fact...nothing like waiting till the day before!! So let us take a look....

MAY....Be Serious About Play...Leisure 
* Find more fun
*Take time to be silly
*Go off the path
*Start a collection 

* Find more fun....I am all in. I need more fun in my life. And as the months warm up and hopefully hubby gets more spiffs, we can indeed have more fun! 
About as close as I get to "fun" as of late.
*Take time to be silly...I have a very hard time with this. My husband not so much, he is always silly. But I would at least like to try to lighten up. I have been serious my whole life, and this past two years has added to that personality trait...but I can try.
Another silly moment with my hubby...they are countless!
*Go off the path...Not sure what this means, but we do plan to do a couple daycations and go off the beaten path. I shall have to get back to you on this one though, as I am not sure what it refers to.  

Most times I guess I stay on the path.
 *Start a collection...I do not have much room to start any kind of collection, but have started participating in Pintrest and so am collecting/sharing images...maybe that counts?? 

So there is the assignments/tasks for the month of May...let's get started! I am excited to add more happiness to my leisure life past sitting on the couch or in front of the computer about you??? 

1 comment:

  1. those may tasks sound great! this book sounds very interesting! good luck with everything this month - can't wait to see how it turns out for you!!

    have a good week, Ruby!


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