Greetings! Are you enjoying the first few days of Autumn?? I know that I am, though we are once again quite warm, there is promise of sweater weather later this week, and on Saturday, we actually had thunder storms! Of course that had to be the day that my youngest and myself decided to go to the local zoo, and go to a favorite bakery to buy some French Macarons. Despite being a bit wet, we still managed to have a lovely , and very busy day... from breakfast out, the zoo, buying a lovely selection of the mentioned cookies, and then later Thai food , and ending up cuddled up on the couch with fairy tale based movies and hot tea.
No, this giraffe is not sticking his tongue out at us, and not at the weather, but simply to reach for some tasty leaves. |
This Sumatran tiger cub was having a grand old time despite the weather. |
These chimps were enjoying a mid morning snack of watermelon , raindrops did not bother them. |
Reward for braving the weather and assortment of French Macarons..including Peach and Honey Fig! |
Earlier in the week, before the day out enjoying the touch of Autumn, despite the rain, there was quite a few beautiful, sunny and quite warm days. Perfect gardening days, and hubby and myself took advantage of the last few days of Summer, and spruced up the Faeries garden. Something we had planned to do for awhile, but my health kept getting in the way. You can see how the Fairy garden began
HERE, and below how far it has come. It is still a work in progress, I am always adding to and moving things around. I find the Faeries enjoy the ever changing landscape... (soon we will add some Autumn and then Winter touches) and I know that my Mom, who was here visiting from Texas, and my Grandmother, also enjoyed all the efforts we had put forth, when they came to visit us here at Muse Cottage and tour the garden.
left to right.... myself, my lovely Grandmother Martha and my equally lovely Mom, Judy.... both believers and fond of Faeries by the way. |
Gustav aka Gus ...and his Gnome home.. we had to move in slowly to get a photo.. he is shy. You will notice he has a nice little bit of moss on his roof of his log home, and around his door. Gus is new to the Fairy garden ( he was not there if you looked at the original post), he used to stay with the Faeries, but he is so happy to have his own little place... his only complaint, the door is a bit small and he has to remove his hat to get in, and Gnomes are not too fond of that, but he forgives us since we leave him a few offerings from time to time and promise not to giggle at him. |
Gus helps to care for the garden, and does a mighty good job.... despite the scorching sunny days we had that singed the delicate plants in his yard, he has managed to keep them from fully dying, and they are rebounding. |
Little May received some moss as well, both around the door to stop drafts, and on the roof of her log home, and now her protective Fairy ring is complete... soon more flowers will be added and she has requested a bit of furniture... so we are working on that. She has also requested curtains that do not look like bark... she would rather have something more girly and delicate. We promised her we would see what we can do. |
May never forgets to give us a friendly wave when we are in the garden. She is more outgoing than a lot of Faeries who are quite often quite shy. Do you wonder why her door is so big? Why she love to fly through her door instead of walking of course! |
We added decorative Faeries to the top of May's house, on the patch of ground cover that helps her home stay warm and cozy year round, as well as gives her a place to lay on her back and stare at the hummingbirds that fly over head all day long. |
Faeries do not just live outside at Muse Cottage, they dwell inside as well... and here at Muse Cottage, we have had a few new inhabitants join us over the last few weeks. We are happy to have them, as they are all quite helpful in exchange for a warm place to sleep.
This little guy loves to sit upon the felted acorns I have provided, and helps to inspire me on a daily basis... he never fails to make me smile as well. |
This lovely Fae has told me that her name is Violet, I caught her gazing in her mirror, I am sure it is not vanity, but simply wanting to look her best in the photo... little does she know I caught her in the act... Lil' Sweet Pea was patiently awaiting her turn.... |
Chamomile , Chami for short, is always willing and ready to make me a cup of tea. |
And Chip, well he always has a treat for me...
though right now it looks more like he is trying to
hide it from me.
I have been finding other ways to keep myself busy as well since we last visited. As my health has allowed, as you know I have been under the weather, past my rainy day out and about, and working at sprucing up the Faeries garden, I have also been out for a few strolls, and chatting with the wildlife at the park.... a favorite past time of mine... not sure we know what each other are saying, but we have grand conversations all the same.
The squirrels are always willing to stop and chatter with me. |
The crows were not quite as sociable |
Time to go.......been nice chatting. |
So now you know what I have been up to this past week, just a little bit of this and that and all apparently with a touch of Pixie Dust.
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