— Oprah
It has been exactly a month since starting to implement the Law of Attraction into my life. What a ride. Nearly before I knew what was happening, things started changing. My attitude, well that was nearly over night, even with the speed bumps I created for myself. I was suddenly full of hope, positive outlooks, faith was being renewed. I was slowly believing in myself and that God did not really want to make me and my husband suffer so.
Then because I was honest, and shared the journey I was beginning and also where I was finding inspiration, I also faced well meant criticism, and it did shake me up a bit, but I recovered and pushed through it and beyond it. Taking it for what it was, gathering even from the negative aspects of it and applying it in a positive way. Keeping my eyes open to all paths in front of me. Boy did they open up. Suddenly I was being supported in the forms of comments, new followers and new connections to all sorts of positive influences. It was amazing. And as I have been inspired, I passed on the words, videos and books that were having that influence and that opened more paths in front of me.
Many things began to happen for the better. When we needed money it would show up. Either in the form of bonuses, gifts, found money, coupons, freebies. My husband has earned a spiff each time it was due for me to get a fill for my nails, not for vanity sake, but to keep my nails from splitting and cracking. Always just enough. When I spent gift money sent to use on myself and I would use it on my husband and daughters, more showed up. I am not saying we are swimming in money, far from it, but there has been enough to cover what we need to, if not yet what we want it to.
Each time when I was having doubts, putting up the road blocks that the book spoke of doing, I would see a message from a friend, a quote, something on twitter, facebook or in my many emails I get each day or even a comment here and on the fan page, renewing my belief to carry one. The books I would pick up, the latest Seeking Peace by Mary Pipher at the Dollar Tree, or the newest one of serenity quotes I found at Ross , all held in their pages things I needed to work through in my own life, or read at that very moment to get over a hurdle and knock it down.
Today when on a walk, I was inspired out of nowhere, my mind suddenly having a thought pop in, to write Oprah again, and Ellen, and a few others that might be in a place to help me with getting my dental implants. I had been wavering on if it was all going to ever manifest, and was going to remove the link on the blog here to Ellens show. Today of all days, when my teeth are hurting worse than ever, and while plucking my brows in the magnifying mirror examined my teeth in the sun and could see the cracks and the worsening of my receding gums..knowing the day when the two front teeth would fall out is in the near future. So when I got home I sat right down and got to work. Even worked through the pain in my hands and wrote out a physical letter longhand to someone, reaching out. A voice in my head reminding me to believe!

I feel a real transformation is happening. Changes are coming . It no longer just seems like wishful thinking. I am not sure where it will lead. I am sure there are to be more hurdles, self imposed of those put in place by others, but I am open to anything right now. Exploring all paths. Eager to see what will unfold. Knowing that it may not always be easy, but could easily be worth it. Keeping the faith that God does hear me, and will answer my prayers and soon. That what I am putting out to the universe in positive, believing vibes will come back to me in ten fold. That finally all these years of being there for others in so many ways, making so many sacrifices of self and all those leaps of faith are making a full circle and I will be blessed by the outcome.
It all may be unfolding slowly, but feel sure it will pick up momentum and I am ready to hang on and enjoy the ride.
"Within you are great possibilities. Allow yourself to fully feel them, focus your powerful passion on them, and live them." - Ralph Marston
Hi Ruby. We haven't chatted in a little while, life gets busy, but I think of you often. Your post made me happy that you are seeing some changes in your life. I wish only good and wonderful things for you and hope that all of your dreams come true ;) xo