Copyright © Ruby's Musings
Design by Dzignine

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fashion Friday : Stop Staring Clothing Co.

Today I thought I would share one of my favorite clothing lines. Stop Staring Clothing. There was a time when I wore one of their creations daily. My entire closet was filled with their dresses and separates. I always felt beautiful in each and every one of them. Then we moved to Texas and my life style changed and with the humidity there so did my wardrobe. I sent all the dresses to a dear friend who lived in a more comfortable climate and was also one who had some place to wear the outfits and have them be seen by those that would appreciate them. I do believe when I sent them to her a huge part of me went with them...a part I have yet to be able to get back. I decided to "window shop" on the official site and was delighted to see the prices have not gone up and the quality has not gone down...maybe one day I can afford to own a few once again, and have some place to be seen in them as well. Here is just a sampling...... be sure to click on the link to see more well as the link for the rest of the Fashion Friday blog link ups.


  1. Wow these are gorgeous! I love that black with the roses. Thanks for linking up today Ruby my friend! Hope you have a great week. Kori xoxo

  2. Very nice! I really enjoyed your blog through out all the time I have spent on it! thanks for sharing,These are very lovely stylish clothes and looking very attractive girls.

    korean asian fashion


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